Finally, we might be getting some weather here in Livingston. We have had a bit of unseasonably nice and warm weather lately... temps in the 50's, sun, hardly any wind (which is unheard of). It has felt like spring and while most people say "uh, crazy person, why don't you like pretty warm weather?" if you lived here, you'd understand. It's just not right to live in Montana in January and not need a jacket and hat everyday! Plus, brown grass is ugly. White snow is pretty.
Our grumblings were heard and we should see snow for the next 5 days or so. Our usual view of the Absarokas is clouded by snow and weather clouds today! Yesterday, in preparation for some weather, Pete chopped up the rest of the wood he bought. Did I tell you he bought a semi-truck load of logs? Oh yeah, he did. And he has been sawing, chopping and splitting wood the last 2 weeks. The plan is to have enough for us for the rest of winter and sell a few cords to people - covering the cost of the load and maybe make a few bucks.

I think it's crazy that he ENJOYS splitting wood, but I can't complain. My man keeps our house warm and his hot bod in shape with this loony activity!
Our grumblings were heard and we should see snow for the next 5 days or so. Our usual view of the Absarokas is clouded by snow and weather clouds today! Yesterday, in preparation for some weather, Pete chopped up the rest of the wood he bought. Did I tell you he bought a semi-truck load of logs? Oh yeah, he did. And he has been sawing, chopping and splitting wood the last 2 weeks. The plan is to have enough for us for the rest of winter and sell a few cords to people - covering the cost of the load and maybe make a few bucks.
I think it's crazy that he ENJOYS splitting wood, but I can't complain. My man keeps our house warm and his hot bod in shape with this loony activity!
You can usually see lots of pretty mountains from ourview here... Not today, weather is coming! We are socked in!
I had not done an update on the sauna in a while. Remember Pete's "nesting" project that he started 3 days before we were to give birth to a BABY? Here. Here. Here. Yes, that one. Well, we (and countless friends and relatives) have been enjoying our little sauna's warmth for months now. It is quite cozy, working perfectly, and providing Pete with hours of relaxing therapy. Given that he is killing his body chopping wood, it has been nice medicine.
oh my GOD i love that sauna!!!! that is truly awesome! can declan and i come live there??? i guess it might get kind of hot but we'll just run out, roll in the snow and go back in!
Okay, the Sauna is soooo awesome!! I love every thing about it. The red door, the license plates, it's perfect!! The pic of you all (including Matine) unloading firewood might be my new fav. Who took it? Oliver? Great post!
Does Pete deliver? If he does, we need some winter fuel. Pack up the truck, and head south. We'll see you in a week, I'll get the backyard ready for where we'll stack this firewood.
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