Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brain Explosion

So much has been going on lately!  I am sitting here feeling like I need to get SOMETHING out of my head and on to paper (screen) before I lose it.  Matine is growing like mad, so many friends and family have been coming and going out of our lives, so many fun things going on.  Here it is, in about as much order as it is in my over stimulated brain.

1.  My baby girl is finally getting her two top teeth!  They have peeked through and soon, she will have FOUR chompers.
2.  She walks around the house now looking for me and saying "momma, momma."  I love it.
3.  My dear friend Christina and her twin Jackie are in town - having SO much fun with teh crazy Thompson twins.  Isla (Jackie's daughter, 18 mo) is also with her - she's adorable.
4.  We have had guests or been out of town since we got the Airstream and I am DYING to get it on the road!
5.  I haven't talked to Micca in over 5 days and it's killing me.
6.  My mother's Birthday is today - I love her so much and there aren't words to tell her how wonderful, special and needed she is in my life.  Happy Birthday mom... I love you.
7.  My sister in law Amy's birthday is tomorrow!  YOU are so special, so loved, and so missed.  Wish we could be there to celebrate with you this weekend.
8.  My brother's birthday is this week - no words there... Let's just say, I better be celebrating with you as a MONTANA resident next year.
9.  I miss my husband - he's been gone for a week (fishing in Walden, CO) with his best buds... So happy you have such wonderful friends and that you make time for them and yourself. 
10.  Matine is starting to work me over!  She is testing all the boundaries and figuring out that she "wants" certain things.   I have to admit, I'm a bit sick of being the only one she whines with.
11.  I am FOR REAL training for another 1/2 Marathon - I'll be running the Northshore Marathon in Vancouver on October 11th!  Go me.  Please remind me to run if you see me.
12.  I can't wait to go up there and hang with Jackie and Christina in their new Canadian home.
13.  I win the mother of the year award - I gave my child a bowl of cream cheese icing and she rubbed it in her hair like it was a hot oil treatment.  Go me.
14. I like my home.
15.  I like my friends.
16.  I want to kill my dogs for scratching our pretty wooden front door.
17.  I can't actually do that because they are actually quite loveable in a very annoying way.
18.  Matine will be 15 months old in 3 days! 
19.  I can't seem to keep clothes on the child these days - she likes to be covered in mud, dirt, water or NOTHING!
20.  8 days until I go on a 3 day, overnight packtrip with Willow Ranch Outfitting (my husband) and friends.  Yippee!
21.  My new favorite summer drink is a sweet tea vodka concoction that makes me oh so happy ... I enjoy one every day (almost).
22.  Other Matine words that we hear alot lately:  baby, mommy, daddy, Gaucho, nana (banana), cheese, doggy, kitty, Annie... Others with signs, but these are pretty darn cute.


hub of the house said...

quite the list!!!! happy you got it out of your head & into mine!!! happy birthday to your mom! what did you do to celebrate? is she in montana or tulsa?? xoxoxo

Jo said...

i just signed up for my first post-baby half marathon too! in november. it could get ugly.
and i have been meaning to tell you that i am DYING over your airstream!!!! so insanely jealous! we've looked for years but we just don't have any place to store it. i can't wait to live vicariously through you guys :)

Michal said...

I miss you! Reading your blog just makes me miss you more...but I enjoy living vicariously through a place void of 103 degree heat. Seriously, it's so hot...if we don't get out before 9's doubtful we'll venture out at all. Wade asked me if I wanted to move to Wyoming yesterday. Did he really have to ask? You came up in life group on Sunday...we were talking about traveling and adventures. I started sharing stories about two of my favorite traveling compadres. Lovies from Oklahoma.

Anonymous said...

Did we catch an announcement? Clark is giving up on the Cowboys and becoming a Griz guy?

PVB sets a new record on Sat. It will be 45 days in a row at reaching 90+!


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