In no particular order, these are a FEW images of our amazingly relaxing, decadent and as close to celebrity weekend as we will ever get at Tom Brokaw's Big Timber Creek bungalow - the Stagestop.
Some very generous friends had rented the place for the week and had to cut their vacation short a few days, so they let us stay in their place.
Clark always lucks out with all the "hook ups" when he visits. He affectionately called the place "Uncle Tom's." We made ourselves right at home.

Matine and Brooke along Big Timber Creek out our back door.

My friend Christina came along ... This is her cutie pooch Skyler. Come a long way from the streets of Jacksonville eh Sky Dog?

Gaucho and Annie Bynum waiting for someone to throw a stick in Uncle Tom's creek.

Clark had a great time with his niece and attempting to fish. This is the "bunk house" next to the main house... Pretty cool place.

Christina took this super cool shot of Brutus' hairy leg... My favorite part of him.

Matine took a nice bath in the "cool old sink" at Tom's place.

Jim rolled into town with the moving van full -- only to be derailed for a weekend at the Cabin...

Tomato head Matine and Jim-Pa

Matine got her diapers changed on the plush rustic bed - Thanks Mer and Tom.

Cool stairs to the loft.

We outdid ourselves with wonderful long dinners... Clark has decided that if he wasn't a cabinet maker/salesman, he would be a food photographer (what do you think?)

Little landing going to the bedrooms ... This place was perfectly rustic, classy cool.
All the wood for the entire house came from the oldest barn in Park County. It was reconstructed to look like a barn / carriage house (with all the finest new day amenities of course)... Very fun place.

The back sitting porch

And of course, Uncle Tom's Cabin.
What beautiful pictures!!! That is quite the hook-up! :)
wow!!! how cool! how far is the brokaw cabin from your house?
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