I haven't talked to Micca in person in about one week (might be the longest we have gone outside of when either of us in out of the country). This has left me in a very very FOUL mood (you can ask Peter about this).
She is my life line, my best friend, and the number one person that I lean on and count on for advise, sanity, a good laugh, grounding, a slap in the face, or just to make me feel like a human.
I really can't put into words what she IS as a person or what she means to me in my life. Without her I am lost and there is just no one else out there like her. She is the most loyal, beautiful, fun, smart, honest, hard working, positive force on the Planet. The best times of my life have been with her and I know that any memory worth having in the future will somehow involve her. She has made me a better friend, person, wife, mom, and human.
Mic, I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you TODAY! It would involve a cold beer, sitting on some sort of porch outside, lots of talking, some good stories and a big hug from me to you.
Thanks for being my very best friend. I love you!
Happy Birthday Micca!!!
You are too sweet! One of my best birthday presents ever. Love you!!!
happy bday Micca!!
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