The minute John died, family and friends and neighbors literally flocked to Montana and their home. It was astonishing to see how loved John and this family is. Even though it was a holiday week and so many people had other commitments, they were halted to be here to show their love and admiration for a great man and a terrific family. It was a full 10 day event. Literally. Bit by bit, they trickled in - cousins, nieces, nephews, siblings, kindergarten friends, friends from work, neighbors, our dear friends here in Livingston, you name it, they were there... My entire family was here - mom, step dad, dad and brother. It was amazing. While nothing is harder than losing John, nothing is more amazing than to see the extent that people would go to because of their deep respect and love for him. These pics are in no order... There are many more, but you will get the idea of who was here, what we did and how we tried to honor and celebrate John's life --- with lots of food and lots of people -- all together!

Mike Hartman, longtime friend, and Susan Lustig (John's sister)

Annie (amy's BF), Joellyn, and neighbor and friend Tim Holladay

Lots of people, the house was always full!

Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Chuck Buell from Wisconsin.

Joellyn and my sweet dad...

The Pier's - these are John's cousins and some great people. It had been YEARS since Pete has seen them.

Goofing off with crazy family... Loni Waters (Pete's Cousin) and Matt Orum (Pete's BF) and Clark (my bro) - one big happy family, how obviously, all get along just fine!

Heidi and Brooke - Heidi owns the ranch where we keep our horses and where Pete works throughout the winter and off season times.

Jim and Vendela (I think) at the Ranch... Taking a break and getting in some scenery... and the horses were hungry - needed hay - go figure.

Clark, Mom and Brooke - Thanksgiving Day in the Horseshoe Hills!

Thanksgiving Day at the Howell's - keeping warm by the chimineas. Pete and Clark

In the midst of everything, life still goes on and the Titeca's call and need help loading cows from their mountain pasture into the trucks. Always willing, Pete was there, along with Florida Boys Matt and Chris Orum, my mom, Jim and of course we invited our friends Mike and Logan to see the cows. We knew Logan (just over 2 yrs) would LOVE being a cowboy for a while.

Logan and Pete moving cows.

Brooke and Matty Orum. Yes, Matt chased and kicked some cows with Vann tennies on. What a city slicker - I helped until the cows started kicking... Probably not too good for Baby Howell's development - to be kicked in the head BEFORE birth.

Me and my Attie girl horse - she's my favorite and who I will be riding again once I have the baby.

The day before the official memorial service, day before Thanksgiving, the local VFW Army guys came up to do the military service for John. John was a Vietnam Vet, served in the front lines and nearly gave his life for his country on multiple occassions. He was actually awarded a Purple Heart, but turned it down. We are thankful that he started to open up a bit about his time in the Army in the last year or so... Many people were able to hear a bit of history and what it was really like in a really horrible war.

Matt and Chris Orum stayed with us in Livingston. This is a brotherly portrait in our front yard. What a view!

Aunt Jan (Joellyn's sister) and her husband Dave came all the way from Illinois!

Pete and his uncle Chuck Buell (Chuck is Joellyn's brother - see the resemblance a bit?)

The Howell / Buell Extended Cousins and Family (and as always, a few stray dogs)

Ron and Linda Orum came over to Livingston for breakfast to hang with the gang that stayed at our house (Ron, Linda, Jim, Mom, Matt Orum, Pete, and Dad)

We took walks to get out of the house and stretch our legs

We shot guns... very therapeutic and fun. Watch out... yes, this IS Matt Orum with a loaded weapon.

Neighbor and good friend Ross

The Cox's, Kinsey's and Blank's came to visit and the kids had some nudey fun in the hot tub!

Libby playing mama with baby Cash ... Such a natural!

Abby Kinsey getting her fill of baby... Another natural!
Cutie pie Cash in the car.
Amy and her boy.
Cash was techinically baptized in New Alm Minnesota, the day John died. Joellyn was determined to get a picture of Cash in the baptismal gown that many, many generations of Buells have worn. It barely stayed on him, but we got the picture!

Laurie Cox holding baby Cash - our friends were so dear to come and hang out, bring food, and bring us some fun kid laughs!
Wow! What a roll out. That is awesome! Cash's hair is killing me! Look at the first picture with your brother in it, his facial expression is hilarious!
love that pinky peachy tangeriney color on you!!! I'm glad you guys are doing ok! will you be in Tulsa over xmas????????
love it. what wonderful family/friends to be blessed with!
wonderful blog, Brooke; it WAS an
amazing week, and you captured it
well . . .
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