So, we are at 20 weeks now . . .(pardon the terrible self portrait - self timers stink). Half way until our lives are changed F-O-R-E-V-E-R!
So here is what else is going on with the little Howelling ---
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!
2 little pokes? soon it will feel like a marching band! and you will swear the baby has size 10 feet! Ha! I love it! Can't wait to meet little Howell . . .
excellent! Although I don't miss the newborn period, I sometime wish I could go back to this stage! Enjoy it while it lasts~ :)
Holy COW! you are have such a cute little belly!
YAY halfway there. Feeling the baby move is the BEST! Enjoy every minute it goes by fast.
I'm glad I know now where you bowel is in the diagram. Hee Hee! I think it's a girl.
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