There is a new study out that says clowns are "universally disliked by children."
The study, reported in the Nursing Standard magazine, found all the 250 patients aged between four and 16 they quizzed disliked the use of clowns, with even the older ones finding them scary.
"As adults we make assumptions about what works for children," said Penny Curtis, a senior lecturer in research at the university.
"We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable."
Doing my own research, there is a term for the fear of clowns:COULROPHOBIA: is an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Sufferers sometimes acquire a fear of clowns after having a bad experience with one personally, or seeing a sinister portrayal of one in the media.
Not all sufferers of the phobia experience the same degree of fear.[1]
My favorite part of this description is: the phobia is "not restricted to evil clowns." Even Ronald McDonald is scary... not just "It."In other Celebrity News...

However, the more he strutted around shirtless and played bongos, I had my doubts as to his level of ego... Which is extremely unattractive.
Well, I read this morning from people.com that he and his girfriend "made a baby together." That is his quote... You can read his full statment below. After reading his comments, I now think he needs a good grammar lesson. But, congrats Matty - I wish you and your girlfriend the best of luck with the baby "growin' in her womb."
My Matthew's statement:
"My girlfriend Camila and I made a baby together," McConaughey writes. "It's 3 months growin in her womb and all looks healthy and lively so far. We are stoked and wowed by this miracle of creation and this gift from God, and so excited for the adventure that will come in raising this child, being mother and a father, and shepherding him or her through this life."
McConaughey adds: "Wish us the best, keep us in your prayers, and God bless evolution. Thanks for being fans of me and my work and now this new and miraculous chapter in my life, as me and Camila and our child do our best to just keep living."
Peter's celebrity crushes are: Jessica Biel, Angie Harmon, and Bridget Moynahan. Who are your celebrity crushes?
I don not like clowns either. I just think they are strange. As for celebrity crushes I would have to choose, well to be honest all of my initial crushes on celebrities are quickly crushed by what idiots they all are. Can my crush be Jeff Bridges... lol just kidding
This blogging thing is kind of fun and it gives me another way to waste time at work. I was reading one of your friends blogs (don't remember who) and she is having a valentines day card making party. We should do that with our scrapbooking supplies. I figure that scrapbooking supplies and card making supplies are prob the same right??
totally... that is meg's blog... she does an "all out" valentine making party... I am game and think it would be lots of fun! i have some materials we could use... let's sent out invites? a blog post perhaps?
My crushes are definitely Jude Law, and the guy from the notebook(hence, why I am making Kris grow a huge beard!) and Ami from Miami Ink. Kris has a huge crush on Kat VonD from LA Ink. Weird we both love each other and neither one of us are full of tattoo sleeves like we are attracted to. haha
i totally saw that clown thing on the news today. i thought it was funny but oh so true. it took me back to the days when i worked in a hospital and the clowns would come to visit the kids. none of them liked it. go figure.
had the same crush on matty. his statement makes him sound like a moron. and if you watch we are marshall...you'll lose a bit of that crush.
i like will smith.
will smith... good one. family man, funny, attractive, can sing and dance, AND play a bad-a action hero... good choice.
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