Guilty pleasures. Along with cereal before bed, spending too much on face products, cookie dough, and taking the car that has the most gas in it... We watch American Idol.
We have a weekly dinner night with our friends' Abby & Lee Kinsey (and the little Libby) and Meggan and Tony Davidson. It started as a great excuse to rotate houses and cook delicious dinners and then we started watching "Idol" after dinner. Now we are hooked, addicts, junkies, and freaks!
Last night and tonight were the season openers with all the fun and atrocious auditions. So far this season, auditions have taken place in Philly and Dallas.
There is really too much to describe in a few paragraphs, so just WATCH it. If you don't stay hooked all season, at least watch the beginning with the freaks come out of the woodwork to shock the judges. Another secret... Simon Cowell is actually starting to gain my respect. He is always DEAD ON in his observations of the singers.
The Okies represented tonight! One kid came on Kyle Tensley (I think?) from Oklahoma State University - International Business Major. He was all dorky cute with glasses, curly hair, and a starched shirt and tie. he mentioned he was in a fraternity at OSU and I was convinced that he was either a Fiji or Farmer. So, being the addict I am - I immediately called Clark to see if he was a Fiji. being the good brother he is, and being 3 years out of college, he anonymously called the Fiji house and asked if the kid was in the house. They informed him he was not a Fiji but A Farmhouse member! My shallow judgements and fraternity labeling has not evaded me in my years since OSU! Victory (another Idol joke)!
This picture is of us doing our favorite impressions of the freakies tonight.... You just had to watch to get them...
By the way - great tacos tonight Lee and Abby!
This is why we need to live closer! We do the same thing with our friends, only with Amazing Race. Always so much fun to be had with dinner/tv parties!!! On a side note, we do love american idol as well. Seems with kids in the picture now and early bedtime for 1 of them we are looking for things to do from 7-10 time range. Have a great day-
rachel, i always think of you when i see Idol... I remember you always talking about it with your mom and watching regularly... funny. I do wish we lived closer...I have seen the amazing race before and Peter and I joke about doing one together... soemtimes those couples are just horrible people though!!!
Good times! last night. It was great seeing you guys! I stole this picture to use on our blog! Wow...funny scary people out there. Looking forward to Idol nights. Enjoy your day!
See, I was well ahead of the times by watching idol when it first started. Actually, I was probably trying to keep entertained while doing the horrible CA II job! Kris and I joke that when our kids are older and out of the house we will try out for amazing race too. People would hate us because we would be the people that bicker about which way to go etc... Amazing Race is great to watch though when you want to know how NOT to act in your marriage. Very therapeutic!
I have never benn into this show but I am afraid what with the writers strike I better get of the bandwagon!
exactly... this writers strike is nuts!!! reality TV might actually take over the world now.... scary.
Hope to see you tonight! Ham and scallop potatoes are on the menu!!
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