You got to meet your Uncle Clark! |
Wow. Two months (well, it is nearly three months by the time I get this posted). What a full, fun 2 months you have already had. Child, you make life oh so easy! You are one of the most laid back, mellow and sweet babies I (and most that have met you) have ever seen. You are so darn happy! Your trademark moves these days are your little grin when I least expect it - a good example was today- you are nursing and appear to be completely asleep, just doing a little snoozing and laying all peaceful in my arms and I look down and you pop your eyes open and flash your HUGE toothless grin at me. And your grin - it stretches across your whole face and I melt.
The smile that will change the world, I am certain. |
You are a
chatter box! I sometimes can't tell if the cats are meowing, Matine is singing, or you are talking. You get so excited to be laid down on the floor or your changing table because you know I will just sit and chat with you. I can see the anticipation in your face - you love it and you are making more and more little coos and ahhs and sounds everyday.
You love to just lock eyes and have a conversation ... with lots of grins. |
You are starting to follow Matine around the room with your eyes a lot now and you often will roll onto your side if she heads that direction. Oh yeah, and little Man, you roll over! YOu still get stuck on your arm, but you have the rest of your body completely over. You love your tummy time already and have amazing strength and stamina for holding your back and head up. You are going to be strong and tall, just like your daddy.
Cutest little nose and the biggest eyes! |
Speaking of tall - at your 2 month Dr Appt you were 11.4 lbs and 24 inches long - that puts you in the 97th percentile for height (Holy Legs!) and 25th percentile for weight. You were as healthy as can be and the doc commented on how alert, smart and mellow you seemed. Of course the shots broke my heart and you were so brave - they took your breath away, you cried, and were done crying and asleep within about 1 minute. Kill me.
Your first rodeo ( and you slept through it). |
In month 2 of your life you traveled to Colorado and met your Uncle Clark and Aunt Sammi, did lots of walks, rides in the bike carrier, attended your first Farmers Market, met some other new baby friends - Rhea Vandergrift and Betsy Grabowski, and have been at work with me 3 days / week.
You and the Seniors - they LOVE you at the Center .. watching the Parade |
Being adored... the usual scene. |
My morning wake up scene... the best in the entire world. |
Those lips ... oh so kissable |
The guys and gals at the Senior Center ADORE you and you bring such life to them. Besides it being so great to have you close since you are still so young, you are also a great addition to people there. Every grandma or grandpa that holds you seems to be carried back in time to the days of their own kids and there isn't a mom I have met yet that doesn't remember exactly what their kids toes looked like, the weight when they were born, or any of the special little characteristics of their kids that we all adore. It warms my heart to think of loving you as much when I am 90 years old as I do now.
My sweet little man - you are an Old Soul - I know it and you bring so much peace, joy and hope to my crazy world. You are a miracle, truly, and I will love you until the end of my days ... and more.
What will your third month bring?
xoxox - Momma.
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