Busy little travelers we have been! Last weekend we made a quick trip to Missoula, Alberton, Spokane and back again. All in 3 days. We started the trip off by visiting Peter's and (one of my) alma maters - the University of Montana (Go Grizzlies!). Cousin Loni is doing her Masters work there, so we got to visit with her a bit and see where she is living now. Oh, how we miss her!

The campus tour wore Matine out! She slept through the tour of the library (no surprise there).

We then strolled through downtown Missoula. Matine had a much better ride than I. I didn't plan ahead and wore my Frye boots with super thick hiking socks. Can you say broken feet and bruised toes? They are wonderful boots, but not meant to do a 6 mile walk in.

After our Missoula tour, we joined our friends
John and Jen at their quaint cabin in the woods of Alberton (25 miles west of Missoula). They live waaaayyyy back there, about 8 miles on a dirt road if I am not mistaken. You see or hear nothing but snow, animals and the sound of the wind. LOVELY home for a lovely couple!

Matine got her groove on and loved touring around their place -- with a REAL crawl... No more stomach dragging. This doesn't last long. She still prefers to stand and walk with assistance these days. Crawling on all fours is for the birds (or dogs?)

SUSHI! Oh how we love it. Especially Montana style. Since buying sushi grade seafood can be a bit scary and trying in Alberton, we rolled us some elk, bacon and smoked salmon. Yum....

Jen and Matine, enjoying their morning coffee and sippy cup of water.

John "whipped together" the BEST pancakes I have ever had in my entire life. Seriously, still dreaming of them. He shared his sourdough starter with us, so maybe the Howells too can have some delicious huckleberry sourdough flapjacks sometime soon (or when huckleberry picking season comes around again).

The view out their window. Yes, their hot tub sits on their own little private creek!

We had to keep moving. Busy schedule to keep. It was westward to Spokane, Washington for the SCI (Safari Club International) Banquet. We donated a
Montana elk hunting trip to the cause and got to be there in person to meet and greet the carnivorous crowd and talk about
Willow Ranch Outfitting. 
We had to stop at Cabela's - the World's Foremost Outfitter- of course! Matine LOVES the fish tank and taxidermied (word?) animals! Momma needed to stretch her legs!
Whoa, Is that the Elusive Moose we read about? 
Friends and colleagues, Steve Jones of
Gamefinders.com, Peter, Matine and Ray Bunny at the Show!

Matine was HUGE draw at the table. Who needs dead animals to attract hunters? Really, a cute baby waving brochures gets them every time! These guys are softies at heart... really.

Ray and Pete talking about the quality and excitement of hunting in the
Lee Metcalf montana wilderness with Willow Ranch Outfitters!

Dee and Steve were gracious enough to let us stay at their place in Spokane! We had NEVER met these folks, and only talked on the phone through GameFinders. They were so kind and so much fun! What a great alternative to the Motel 6, eh? This is the view from their back porch.

Steve was psyched to show Pete his "man cave." This place takes "man's quarters" to a whole new level. Obviously, he likes to hunt.

Matine a bit shocked and mesmerized by the horns - everywhere!

Matine loved their cat - more her size of animal. She woke up, immediately started waving at the deer in the yard and chasing the cat all over the bed.
Why isn't this kitty chasing me?
I seriously laughed out loud at that last picture of Matine and the wildcat. She is looking at it like, "Why isn't this thing moving?!?" She is so stinkin' cute. I think she needs to come to Tulsa and have her pictures taken by C.C.!
meat and greet.....punny ;)
whoa. lots of animals!
i love your idea of sushi! yum!
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