It was a recipe for some serious dog fun and some good 2-legged people exercise. Matine enjoyed the ski as well. She has been out with us on numerous occasions walking and hiking, but this was her first venture out on skis! She quickly fell asleep on dad's back and when she awoke she enjoyed watching her dogs frolic and roll in snow, sprint back and forth and chase imaginary birds (Brutus).
We skiied for a good two-hours and it was what Pete and I needed to break our inertia of doing nothing.
Brutus, Peter and I are all sore today.
these are the kinds of posts that make me incredibly jealous of where you live and the lifestyle you get to have awesome!
Hello fellow MT blogger! I stumbled onto your blog quite a while ago, and I've been hooked ever since. After that post about random people cyberstalking you I thought I should say a little something. I love blogging and I can tell you do too. And I'm not a crazy person :) I just love to see who else loves to blog, even better when they are from MT like me...taylor
I need this kind of exercise! Looks exhilarating!
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