It has been a great week, a busy week, what's new?
Pete and I did some nice date nights, some entertaining, long walks, working, and anything that can't be as easily done with a baby.
We had a bit of a health scare with Joellyn, Pete's mom this weekend. She took herself to a Doctor on Friday because she was having some chest pains that radiated to her left arm (aghem). Apparently she has had these for an entire month, but being the wonderfully stubborn German that she is, kept righting it off as "pulled muscles." Well, thank goodness she went in. Her doc immediately sent her to the ER and she had a few tests done and stayed overnight. Luckily, they are 90% certain at this point that it is "stress" (no shocker there given all she has been through this last 4 months). So, we are all doing our best to "slow her down" and get her opening up about all that is going on, and asking for HELP when she needs it!
She came home with us on Saturday and we relaxed, took naps, cooked a nice dinner, and the following morning went to Chico for a soak and read books. We wish we could make sure we all had a nice relaxing weekend like that every week - I am sure it could be good for ALL our health.
Baby news: We are officially at 35 weeks now! How time flies! Pete thinks the time has crept along pretty slow, as he is so ready to meet this kid, but to the person carrying the baby, it feels like it went pretty darn fast. To be honest, the thought of not being pregnant is a bit bittersweet. I am not ready to be "un-pregnant" yet. Everyone tells me that at 39 and 40 weeks I will be singing a different tune. Until then, we are still whistling along!
Pete and I did some nice date nights, some entertaining, long walks, working, and anything that can't be as easily done with a baby.
We had a bit of a health scare with Joellyn, Pete's mom this weekend. She took herself to a Doctor on Friday because she was having some chest pains that radiated to her left arm (aghem). Apparently she has had these for an entire month, but being the wonderfully stubborn German that she is, kept righting it off as "pulled muscles." Well, thank goodness she went in. Her doc immediately sent her to the ER and she had a few tests done and stayed overnight. Luckily, they are 90% certain at this point that it is "stress" (no shocker there given all she has been through this last 4 months). So, we are all doing our best to "slow her down" and get her opening up about all that is going on, and asking for HELP when she needs it!
She came home with us on Saturday and we relaxed, took naps, cooked a nice dinner, and the following morning went to Chico for a soak and read books. We wish we could make sure we all had a nice relaxing weekend like that every week - I am sure it could be good for ALL our health.
Baby news: We are officially at 35 weeks now! How time flies! Pete thinks the time has crept along pretty slow, as he is so ready to meet this kid, but to the person carrying the baby, it feels like it went pretty darn fast. To be honest, the thought of not being pregnant is a bit bittersweet. I am not ready to be "un-pregnant" yet. Everyone tells me that at 39 and 40 weeks I will be singing a different tune. Until then, we are still whistling along!
My ridiculously handsome hubby cooking a fabulous dinner for us ... I love that I married a man who loves to cook - and is GOOD at it!
Emily and Hermes have came over for dinner and a movie. This is Emily at 40+ weeks --- she is overdue and not enjoying it. We have a sneaking suspicion that maybe they started having the baby yesterday - as we had plans to go to Chico and they didn't answer their phone ... ALL day. We sure hope so - we are just about as excited about meeting their baby as our own at this point! And I KNOW Emily is ready to not be pregnant!
Other babies due this week: Baby Finnigan - Pete's cousin Ashley is due any day! We are thinking of you Ashley and Paul!
I have told Emily that their baby is waiting for the weather to warm up... It is officially Spring, so why not come out to some lovely, warmer spring weather? Well, as you can see . . . Spring is not quite here. This is our house this morning. Can you find the 2 dogs in the picture?
I can almost rest the coffee mug on my belly while standing... No problems when I am sitting. Babies' butt is still up and head is still down. Last night she was LOVING Peter humming and singing to her. I can tell that she hears our voices now. She is really responsive to our talking to her and our poking her (of course).
MICCA AND MICHAL AND MY MOM ALL COME TO VISIT THIS WEEK! I have a baby shower on Friday, so they will be here for that - fun! But, I can't wait to see them all and talk our heads off!
how exciting that everyone is arriving for your shower!!!!!
Seriously, you and Emily have such beautiful pregnant bellies. Not all bumps are that cute! And that picture of you with the coffee are so stinking cute pregnant. I am not sure I am ready for that belly to go away either! Although I am sure that sweet cheeks under it will be darling!
Still praying for your delivery and can't wait to hear about your shower!
I think your Mom has been wrapping presents for weeks! Have a fun shower!
miss you brookes! you are beautiful and we are praying for you and can't wait to see pics of that little one, and then meet her in person soon too!
so exciting! love you ~
I'm not sure how you do it, but you manage to get cuter and cuter the more pregnant you get! Love it! Have you ever heard of an ergo baby carrier? We have one and I loved it for Riley- not trying to throw my advice at you, just wished someone had told me about it sooner! :) Have fun with the fam!
Excited to see you and your belly tonight!!
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