Yes, we did it again . . . But not like Britney Spears.
Oliver got another shave - from a professional this time - do you really think we would attempt that again?
His head looks much too large for his skinny body and he looks a bit like a hyena, pit-bull, hamster type creature . . . But he is MUCH cleaner and he thinks he can run really fast now.
I love Gauch in the background. You guys getting oli shaved made Gaucho more timid. ha!
Oliver looks so cute! I think about shaving Rigby every summer, but so far haven't had the guts to do it. Oliver seems to be taking it pretty well, but I'm not sure Rigby could handle it (emotionally)!
Seriously. So Cute! I love a fresh-shaven dog! :)
Oliver!!! I can't wait to see him tomorrow!! I thought it would be a great idea to do this to Oso - but Tony reminded me that he would probably have a heart attach!!!
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