Joellyn, Peter and I went to Dillon to Amy, Eric and Cash's house. We watched movies, ate yummy food from old family recipes, played Taboo and Trivial Pursuit, opened gifts, and of course did lots of oohing and ahhhing at the new baby.
The wind was horrendous and there were some storms coming through on our way there and while we were there... SO, the roads were nearly impassible and with the huge snow drifts, we really couldn't leave the house until the county plowed the roads.
Pete and Eric had to drive to the Ranch where Eric works to feed horses on Christmas morning and on their way back, they helped a little old man with and enlarged heart and emphasema get his car out the the ditch and get home. Had they not found him the man would have likely had a heart attack on the side of this country road and froze to death. They felt very good and Christmas-like when they got back home.
While they were gone, Amy, Joellyn and I put together Cash's crib and mobile in his nursery. It is ALMOST time for him to be out of the craddle in Amy and Eric's room - Amy was NOT too excited about this major move and her little boy leaving the nest quite yet. He loves his crib however.
Our favorite time was spent watching Eric show Cash how to "rodeo." While watching bull riding, Eric has Cash "mark up" get on the bull, ride it 8 seconds, get off the horse with the aid of the "pick up man" and then of course saunter off like a true cowboy. This 3 month old LOVES it and we think it is pretty darn cute - watch the video at the bottom.
Cash is adorable.
As usual, there was a pack of dogs... Our hypersensitive Gaucho, like usual, was so distraught by the massive amounts of dogs and change of scenery that he puked blood on Christmas Eve. It might be time for the doggie Prozac again!
Amy got a HOT new hair color ... Looks so good. I am SERIOUSLY considering going dark after seeing how good she looks. Now her baby looks a bit more like it's hers.
love the baby chaps!
Glad you guys had a great time! Cash is so so cute. What a big 3 month old! reminds me of Caed at that age- minus the cowboy riding! The part of you guys opening the gifts that Peter's Dad bought before he died brought tears to my eyes! Hope to see you in a week my friend!
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I had no idea they made chaps that small! Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all!
And very very cool to have some gifts from John. We all miss him.
What a wonderful Christmas and how cool that there were presents from John. What a neat guy to have already done some shopping.
Cash is so big for a 3 month old! He and Sadie must be close in age, but she is no where his size! Glad you got some baby loving in this Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!! I had lunch with your mom, dad & Clark @ Ron's the other day!!! fun
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