It's Sunday morning, 6:00am - the phone rings ... It's a typical Titeca phone call. "we need some help (insert profanity) ... the sheep have to be tagged so we can get them to market this week."
PEter: "Ok, I have family in town, but will be down this week sometime, when do you need to have it done?"
Titecas: "(more profanity) TOMORROW... We have to have 100 lambs tagged by today!"
Peter: rolling over to a sleeping Brooke, "do you think your family would want to go tag sheep this morning? It should only be a few hours."
Brooke: " Actually, they'd probably get a kick out of it...
(chuckling to herself b/c we KNOW it will be more than a few hours and she can't begin to imagine the scene of us all out there with sheep)
Somehow, we dressed Scott, Clark, Loni and Marni in our clothes, boots and work gloves and were out the door w/ coffee by 7:30am sharp...
PEter: "Ok, I have family in town, but will be down this week sometime, when do you need to have it done?"
Titecas: "(more profanity) TOMORROW... We have to have 100 lambs tagged by today!"
Peter: rolling over to a sleeping Brooke, "do you think your family would want to go tag sheep this morning? It should only be a few hours."
Brooke: " Actually, they'd probably get a kick out of it...
(chuckling to herself b/c we KNOW it will be more than a few hours and she can't begin to imagine the scene of us all out there with sheep)
Somehow, we dressed Scott, Clark, Loni and Marni in our clothes, boots and work gloves and were out the door w/ coffee by 7:30am sharp...

Scott, rugged and handsome in his borrowed Carhartts, reminiscing about the good ol' days on his family "ranch." Always relating to his audience that guy... He has no idea what he will be doing in 1/2 an hour.

"Wow, I had no idea there would be so many. Why are they so dirty?" Clark asks...
"Don't they clean their butts? "
Brooke : "No Clark, they aren't like pets or dogs. Now get in that pen and start herding them over there."

The Cottongim's - getting into character... Feeling their natural calling as sheep ranchers.

"Holy S*@#! Are these idiots going to be doing this today? Baaahhhh."
"We'll show em exactly how hard it is to 'herd' sheep."
"Mildred, make sure and be really squirrelly and kick a lot. Maybe even crap yourself
while they are grabbing you."

Peter: "You think they are up for this honey?"
Brooke: "Sure, throw em' in there... they'll figure it out."
Brooke again: "boy you sure are handsome in that hat."

HOLD STILL .... Clark was asked to pick up each weather or ewe by the butt and neck and "throw" them literally through gate A or B. Peter and Shawn would sort and throw them at Clark who at times was rolling on the ground with them. This is AFTER Peter and Shawn "sexed " each one by examining their hind end anatomy (very closely).
**Insert Sheep Jokes here ....

"Am I really here? Man, this is going to be a great story to tell to my builders when I get home. I love this Carhartt jacket... Must get me one of these. Was that a weather or a ewe... Need to pay attention again."
That looks like SO much fun. We are selling all the cows. I am going to really miss branding. That kind of stuff really is fun. But what do I know. I usually just watch and drink.
HOLY sheep! What an experoence for the boys - the picstures are really cool. I think I would have liked to take part!
Brooke- what took you to Montana in the first place? how long have you lived there?
Awesome Shots! seriously I just love the sheep pictures and those of your dad and peter in the car!!
Nice and it looks like a ton of fun!! Maybe I will visit and push some sheep around:) I hope your enjoying this beautiful weekend! and you enjoy your Easter - Meggan
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