Saturday was also "get it done day" in Livingston. We went downtown to the Beanery for a good hearty breakfast - while we weren't close to being hungry (still full from meaty margarita dinner) we knew we needed sustenance for the day ahead.

Brooke and Clark had some brother/sister bonding time and took Oliver and Gaucho for a nice cross country ski trip up Wicked Creek while Scott and Peter cleaned cars, grocery shopped, and did whatever they do... Chat and hang out. It was sunny the entire ski and we didn't see a single other person.
We did some work in the yard as it was a GORGEOUS day in Montana (sun, no wind, warm enough but not sweaty). We burned yard junk and extra wood in the yard and had our chimminea hot enough to melt metal.
Saturday night we decided to "join the family" by having the cousins Loni and Marni over for a big dinner. I knew they'd blend and that the Howell - Cottongim family connection would once again be reaffirmed... It was a feast and tons of fun! There is nothing better on Earth than to sit down with the people you love, see your old family and new family laugh and giggle and joke. You would have thought that this combination of people had been doing family dinners and lazy Saturdays for years! So wonderful... My heart was full.
After reading your ENTIRE BLOG (seriously), I've finally figured out how to post a comment. It would be an understatement to say that you, Brooke, are amazing; that you attract amazingness to you; that you project your amazingness on others; and that your amazingness stems largely from your amazing mother and father; and who can forget your amazing brother? Clark, you rock.
You found Peter the Great and make history with every passing day of your life. That's so uncommon, incredibly refreshing, and unbelieveably inspiring.
You've got your Peter in MT, you've gotten your dad up there halfway at this point, and my prayer is that Clark finds some ruggedly adorable gal up there that appreciates every last amazing ounce of him and that you can all be one big happy family up north. (But he and I have discussed him being my "secretary" when I open an office in Switzerland, so be ready to vacation out there half the year to see us!) Not sure if your mom would ever want to be in MT as well, but if so--let me know if I can help in any way :-)
I thank God for the providential crossing of our paths at such a young age. I'd get out my candy-striper uniform and go prancing around St. Francis again, just for you, girl!
Oh Amy -- you rock! You always say the best things in the most eloquent way. YOU are amazing and I am so glad you figured out how to comment so we can chit chat more.
I too LOVE that we have been friends since KINDERGARTEN and that YOU are still in my life.
Please come visit soon. I can't wait to sit at your new house and drink some wine and talk about candy striping days and life... Miss you Chico!
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