This morning I hear him running up the stairs and Oliver had an envelope in his mouth and he dropped it at my feet... It was a fluke and miracle that he carried it that far, but he did and it was cute. Peter had a nice big bag with him - but Oliver couldn't carry that up the stairs on his own...
I got a beautiful and perfect card - the first from my HUSBAND and a really great lined Carhartt vest, which I am wearing to work today!
Peter got a card, his favorite chocolate - milk chocolate, and a handful of Tigers Milk bars - his favorite energy bar that he takes skiing everyday. All of this served to him on the red "You Are Special Today" plate.
The Red plate is a long standing tradition in my family (and coincidentally my Best Friend Micca's). Any special day - recital day, birthday, graduation, etc. we were served our breakfast on the Red Plate. I (heart) mine and of course had to serve Peter breakfast on it today - our first Valentine's as husband and wife.
Joellyn recently gave me these cool heart shaped cooking forms that you can use to make heart-shaped food - I made heart shaped cinnamon toast and eggs this morning...
We also shared this morning with our neighbor's dog Mingus. Mingus' people are out of town for a romantic getaway... He like the chaos and plethora of dog treats at the Howell House. He was sent to us with "anxiety meds", but he seems completely at home so far and refuses to take them.

This is my new vest -- i am talking to my brother on the cell phone...
Awwwwe. How sweet. I L-O-V-E love that plate!!! Have a great day rockin your new vest. I too am rockin my vday gift today. Horry for us!
holy sh*@!!!! My family has the EXACT same plate! bizarro!!!
LOVE the vest! you are uber hip! :)
that plate must have been on sale in 1980 or something!
How sweet! We are totally not the commercial, "go to dinner kind of people". We totally play it home style also. You two are so sweet together. Happy first married Vday's together!
we have the plate to....I like your vest...why r your pics sideways? doesn't seem like you. happy vday
pics were sideways b/c i used my work mac commputer this time and can't figure out how to turn them on a mac
We just got a mac book and I think when you go to the picture you use your index and middle finger and at the same time turn them in a circle to where you want them to be. Kris did it and it worked, but he is way better at this thing already than I am!
Happy First V-day! Megan made me go look and yes, we still have our red plate! Wow!
Love the vest! I used the red plate too. You forgot to add orange cinnamon rolls to your list of familiar things. That red plate must have been a huge hit when we were all kids. Lauren grew up with it too!!
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