Here is me... Peter's will come later...
I am a daughter
I am a wife
I am a sister
I am a neighbor
I am a best friend
I ... am many more things I am sure.
I love salty things
I am right handed
I have a birthmark on my right wrist and it's how I learned my rt hand from my left
I miss Oklahoma nights and the mugginess of it all
I am named after my mother
I go by my middle name, Brooke, first name is Kerri
I like my new last name
My eyes are blue
My hair is light brown and blond
I like my eyebrows
I am 5'4"
I will not tell you how much I weigh
I like being creative
I enjoy working with my hands and manual labor
I enjoy running with friends, but not alone
I have life long friends, many I have had since pre-school
I love to keep in touch
I rearrange my house about 1/month
I want to take dance lessons
I am not much of a phone talker, most days
I need to be around people
I need my alone "down" time even more
I experiment with painting and it looks very childlike
I don't like to shower everyday
I love photography and pictures
I hate washing my face before bed (but love it when I do)
I want to change the color of my house
I wish I could make a living from blogging
I look forward to being a stay at home mom someday
I want two kids
I want my kids to look like their father - especially have his legs
I would have a monthly facial if I could afford it
I love to play cribbage and solitaire (with real cards, not on the computer)
I love yoga, but don't go often enough
I enjoy cooking new things
I make a huge mess when I cook
I have to have milk duds at the movie theater
I don't like waking to alarm clocks
I enjoy the anticipation of traveling and packing my bags
I wanted to be a scientist, teacher and a veterinarian when I was a child
I think I would be a good teacher
I love to babysit my friends kids
Girly books / beach reads are my favorite
It takes me an average of 1 month to read a book - even if it's 30 pages
Politics and the news depress me
Celebrity gossip is addicting and I shamelessly love it
Lying in bed with Peter and the dogs is one of my favorite things
Netflix might be the best invention ever
My garden gets better every year
When I clean the house I bang things around and find it therapeutic
Dishes are my least favorite thing to do
Actually folding laundry is my least favorite
I don't mind mopping the floors
I talk alot to my co-workers at work
I talk alot in general
I miss my family in Oklahoma and love to talk about them
I miss porches and Coors light and talking with my best friend Micca
Micca and I have:
the same middle name (Brooke)
the same comforters in college
practically the same wardrobe (without trying)
same taste in food and just about anything
mom's who served us on "the red special plate" growing up
blue eyes
used to have the same car (Explorer)
the same sense of humor
the need to talk about everything
married men who are practically identical
travel extremely well together
always get along
I want to travel to Europe with Peter
I want to travel to South America with Peter
I want us to take a honeymoon in the next 5 years
I love Pete's scar on his face
I love his high pitched laugh
Our dogs bring me more joy than I can describe
I hate being cold in my own house
I want to eventually have a well designed and landscaped yard
I can't wait to hang our new hanging chair from the tree in our front yard
Girls nights are my salvation
I am in a much better mood when I am exercising regularly
I love lunch dates with friends
I prefer to not have my weekends "pre-scheduled" but plan as it goes
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up
I'd like to develop a marketable "skill"
I am good at planning events and parties
I get really excited for other people's joys and accomplishments
I say that most things are "the best ____ ever!" and mean it every time
I love my down coat
I still haven't found "the perfect pair of jeans" that everyone talks about
I am a blend of my mother and father - in looks and personality
I miss my brother everyday and always enjoy his company
I am not competitive at all
I love a cold Coke with ice
I enjoy making homemade breads
I like looking for spelling errors
I enjoy writing - technical and creative
I have no regrets in life
I get anxious about my future
I look forward to the future
I really like my life.
That was great....Loved reading it. I too hate washing by face before bed but love it when I do. Wow, you sure loved cats.
Brooke, I amazed about how similar we are in SO many ways. Almost everything on this post I agree and can completely relate. Clay and I spent some time looking thru our old photos yesterday remembering our younger days. There were many photos of you and he mentioned how it is a shame how much we had in common and had no idea.
Looking forward to more...
what is the tag exactly? that is super cool.
I love that. I also love that i already knew all these things about you. You are so much more than any words could ever express though.
Why did you like cats so much?
i never realized I liked cats so much until i see them in all my childhood photos... don't own a cat, haven't lived with one since highschool! ????
loved it! love you! you are all that and so much more . .
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