Sunday, December 2, 2007

It got COLD!

When I woke up Saturday morning it was 7 degrees. I had to help my work set up for a Holiday Farmers Market. It was fun. Local artists, jewelers, bakers, woodworkers, etc. sell gifts for the holidays. I set up and left at 10 to meet The Cox's, Matt and Jeannette for another cross country Christmas tree trek.
This is our movie theater at 7 am... It is so pretty in Livingston right now... Lots of snow, everything is covered in a nice white layer. It's a big weekend in L-town - we had THREE movies at the Empire Twin, not just the usual 2. Also, if you think to yourself "those movies have been out for months...why are they still playing in Livingston?" Well, we don't get movies until they are out on video to the rest of the world... But, who cares... We aren't inside watching movies all that often anyways......
Instead we are watching Matt and Peter act like kids sledding! Notice the dogs trying to keep up.
Peter was having a really good time.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH! I love cold weather! That pic of the theatre is awesome. Did you get some coffee at coffee crossing? I remember that little place. I went there like a million times when I came up by myself a couple of years ago. I was a regular to them. I miss cold weather! How was your weekend? Still no luck on a home for Rusty, but I'm still trying. He is so cute! We got our tree yesterday and decorated it last night. It looks really pretty and smells great. Josh put all the yellow lab ornaments at the bottom so that dogs can see them. Hilarious! Our normal tradition is to have chinese and drink champagne the night we decorate the tree, but it didn't happen this year. Booo HOO!

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