Baby, we love love love you! Happy Birthday.
For those of you who love Peter -- this is what you are going to do -- I am issuing a challenge. What Peter wants more than anything for our business to take off, be successful, and provide our family the monetary means to eat and survive.
If each of you readers will PLEASE send the link to Willow Ranch Outfitters ( to 10 of your friends ... Tell them how cool these people are, how great the business is, and how FUN a Willow Ranch HUNT, fly fishing trip or horsepack trip would be.
Fun for all ages. Get some family or friends together and join us!
Did you know that Peter and the Willow Ranch team will be on the Outdoor Channel's Western Extreme and Adventure's Abroad in a number of days? They said that their footage on these shows might be some of the best they ever got? It's going to be good.... Yes, you can hunt with FAMOUS people! (By the way, we will let you know our air-date soon).
There's something for you: If anyone of the people you send our link to inquires to us for more information - you get a Willow Ranch Hat! AND, drum roll please, if anyone you send our address to actually BOOK a trip with us - you get 30% off YOUR trip with us. If anyone books a hunt with us, you get a free day of fishing....
Now, that's a deal! And what a terrific way to say "Happy Birthday Peter" --- We love you!
Happy Birthday PETER! I am currently working on getting you some customers!!!
Sounds like a deal!!!!!
Please post that picture of Matine in the grocery cart that you sent yesterday. One of my favs!!! Miss you!
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