Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sven and Olie come to Montana

We have a new horse! Slowly but surely we keep adding to our pack string. Number 7 is a darling little Gelding who we have appropriately named "Sven."

I have a little background for those of you not from Minnesota or who are aware of the classic Sven and Olie characters from the jokes. Sven and Olie are a pair who get into all sorts of trouble, usually involving the winters and background of Minnesota. It's funny Scandinavian, Northern humor. Ask my dad- he has a few dozen of the books as "reading material" in his bathroom. Sven and Olie jokes often float around the Howell house too.

Since we already had an Olie horse, we decided he needed a buddy --- ergo, Sven. Welcome to the family buddy!

On a very cold day, the family went to visit Sven at his NEW HOME at Jacqueline and Grif's place in Paradise Valley. We now keep all of our horses a mere 10 miles from the house. This makes it much easier to visit, ride and feed them... Plus, we get to visit Jacqueline and Grif more often too!

Jim Pa and his gal. I love this picture!

Good lookin' Pete with Sven the Norwegian Fjord.

1 comment:

lauren and brad said...

looks cold! matine looks cuddly! horse looks pretty!

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