Micca and Michal were here from Okie-Land for the week. I really couldn't tell you in words how amazing it is to have your best friends here in Montana - to visit, hang out and just talk our brains out. Micca helped plan the shower and Michal had some time off and made the trip despite having to leave her ADORABLE baby boy for 4 days. What great friends!
The dogs really enjoyed their visitors too . . . Even though, as you can see, they much prefer any moment that Peter is around the most. This is the typical "welcome home" routine after he leaves for 15 minutes to go to the store and back.
This is Mic and I at the airport. The worst part about her coming is that I know it has to end at some point. We usually cry... Then cry more an hour later. I HATE seeing her go! I am really trying to get her to just move up here. It would make things MUCH more simple.
Me crying - what's new these days!
They came all the way up from Gillette, WY for the shower and to visit for the weekend. Cash is now 6 months old - even though he is so enormous he looks like a 9 month old. He is as cute as they come and we (especially Peter) had a lot of fun playing house with him. This got Peter really excited about our little one coming in a few short weeks.
Nana Jo, Cash and Uncle Sneaky in the hot tub
My AMAZING sister-in-law at the shower. She is the best. Can't really imagine a better family to marry into . . . . I didn't know she was coming to the shower until she walked in the door!
you are so loved!!!
post pic of new curtains!!!
It's amazing to have so many people in our lives that we love and cherish....that's what it's all about - I am glad you had such a wonderful time with your visitors. and the airport scene is heartbreaking and all to familiar!! Have a great Wednesday my friend.
Sorry, I will not let Micca move to Montana...even if she is your best friend. :) I need her!
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