Bags are packed, phone list is made and the calls, Facebook messages and text messages have started!
No, no baby yet... Don't you all know me well enough by now to know that I will likely make some sort of blog posting or announcement through one of these ridiculous social networking sites as soon as I have my first contraction?
I assure you all that you will be the first to know!
We are doing our best to hurry things along and get this little Girl out as soon as we can --- we cannot wait to meet her at this point!
Last night we decided to pull out the famous "Eggplant Parmesan" recipe that is known to make women go into labor within 48 hours of eating it. We thought "why not!"
Although we are almost at 39 weeks, and not even at the infamous "40" yet, that is close enough... She can come anytime now. Little girl: what do you look like? Whose eyes do you have? Will they stay blue? What will your little voice sound like? Will you laugh (cackle) like your dad? Do you have any hair? What will make you smile? The questions are endless and I know we (God willing) have the rest of our lives to get answers to these questions, but boy you already have us wrapped around your little finger and hanging on your every movement . . .
We are trying all the other unorthodox methods to speed things along - red raspberry tea, walking, whispering sweet nothings in each others ears, baths, crazy recipes and spicy food, ASKING her to make her debut....
Any other ideas out there?
after i tried all those things to encourage silas along, to no avail, i was so overdue my dr broke my water and that did the trick! :o)
love you and can't wait to see her little face!
I have some ideas but not sure they are blog appropriate. I am sure you have tried those too (might have been under the "sweet nothings" category!). Never having been there myself, I can't speak from personaly experience, but I sure have heard of some funny things that people do.
Maybe I should message you on FB? That way we don't have to embarrass everyone with my ideas!
Praying she comes quickly, yet healthy! I so want you to be albe to do this naturally!
you listed all the things I know of...except castor oil...but I don't think you are that insane. :)
Both my boys were 11 days late (41 weeks and 3 days, I think) so I feel for you. The last couple weeks are rough.
Acupuncture got Anders out. There is a great person in Bozeman--Brenda Kaser--who has gotten several babies motivated. I felt it starting in her office.
Finn wasn't moved by acupuncture, exercise, spicy food, begging, castor oil (and I drank a lot of it--horrible!), cervix scraping or water breaking. Finally, my midwife gave me a concoction of cottonwood and black cohash herbs, but I wouldn't try that without someone who knows what they are doing.
I think they just come when they want to and then you attribute whatever you did right before that to starting the contractions.
Good luck! Can't wait to hear she's here.
Looking good Brooke!!! Hang in there.
I am soooo excited! Hang tight
Soon Brooke....very soon! Keep up the positive outlook...there, there now....all is good!
Now that I am pregnant too, I get very anxious about others having their babies. We watched Knocked Up last night which drove me to tears during the birth scene. I can't wait to cry over your blog entries after she's born. Wow!!!
Walking endless circles around our neighborhood got me to a, just seven more centimeters to go and my doctor shot up her red flag (saw my doc on Wednesday) and told me to do absolutely keep Henry in until Friday. So darn frustrating... But maybe a few more LONG walks w/ Pete would do the trick. Hang in there!
I feel your pain! I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of baby Howell via blog world! Caed was 2 weeks over (hence his 10 lb.-ness) and I thought I would literally go insane! With Riley, I just kept thinking, "One more night of sleep..." so sleep while you can and enjoy it! You will do great, you look fantastic! Eat a lot of avacado's! It fattened my babies right up... but that's because I love a FAT baby! haha
I hate going 4 days with no posts!! Start pushing. I'm sure she'll come out eventually. :)
I can't believe it is almost that time!!! WE ARE SO Excited for you!!!! and can't wait to see her!!!
Thinking of you- all three of you!1
Meggan and Tony
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