I had to the most fun having dinner with my friend Sarah last night. She is due with her 1st in 2 weeks! We had all sorts of fun talking about pregnancy, the goofy (and not so goofy) fears we have as moms, weird things that happen to your body, diapering, childbirth, men... all of it. I still can't believe that this time of my life has arrived. She recommended I look into hypno-birthing and gave me a hilarious book, The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy - Or Everything your Doctor Won't Tell You.
She is about to POP and part of me is so jealous that she has such a cute round belly and will get to meet her little one in a matter of days. But, until then, I will enjoy my normal pants and the mysterious growth going on within me. I am sure the belly and anxiousness she is experiencing will be here before I know it.

Mic, do you recognize those shorts? You gave them to me as a b-day present our Sophomore year - someone take me shopping)
Today I am 13 weeks impregnated.... Boy the weeks fly. Here is what babycenter.com says about the little guy or gal:
Babies Growth:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, its veins and organs are clearly visible through its still-thin skin, and the body is starting to catch up with the head — which makes up just a third of its body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries (holy fertile!). Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
What is going on with me:
This is the last week of my first trimester, and my risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy. Next week marks the beginning of the second trimester, a time of relative comfort for many women who see early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue subside. More good news: Many couples also notice a distinct libido lift around this time (too bad Pete is hundreds of miles away with a bunch of men). Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your baby for the first few days after birth, before your milk starts to flow.

Now, here is a picture of a REAL baby -- cutie pie Cash, our new nephew. Amy, Cash, Grandpa John, Grandma Jo, and Amy's friends from Minnesota came to visit me in the Shop last week. He is growing up! He still has that fantastic crazy hair though - my favorite! I think he is always sleeping.

I am so happy for you, everytime I read your updates I get teary eyed..... This is such a wonderful time!! I know you are enjoying every minute, even the not so great moments are enjoyable just because you wouldn't be having them if you weren't growing that amazing little baby! You are going to be a terrific mom.
Love ya
I love that you still have those pj's. I still have some from high school!! Sad! I bet you are anxious for the baby belly. You look great! Cash's hair is hilarious!!! I will be glad when Pete is back and the pictures aren't with a timer or taken in a mirror.
Ps - Josh says that Bob (the trainer guy) off of Biggest Loser reminds him of Clark.
Looking good! Any morning sickness or weird things you can make a blog about? I love all the embaressing stories of pregnancy!! Fill us in- :) I'll let you know that one of my biggest pregnancy embarrassments was throwing up out of the car door, on a busy street, in someone's yard, after Tony Roma's. I proceeded to run into the house with vomit all over my clothes sluing puke out of my mouth while the new neighbors were approaching to introduce themselves. Great day. Now let's hear something good!
Wait, it seems that I was saying, "Let's hear something good" like your blog wasn't good. I didn't mean that at all!!! I meant, "Let's hear something good and embarrassing linked to pregnancy, if you have had that happen yet..." Ok, I'm a nerd who need to stop now.
OH! You are just adorable! Look at how freakin skinny you are! I'd be posting pictures of my belly if I looked like that...but I think it's super weird if you're not pregnant! LOL! So good to see your sweet face! Enjoy this time, but the incredible thing is when they are here and you fall in love with them. It's something so intense that at times it actually hurts. God is incredible that He allows us to actually parent! IF I were him, I'd be like, "Yea, I got it, but thanks!"
Thanks for sharing your site...I will have to follow it!
I am a hypno- birther!!!!!! I have done it with both of my babies and LOVE IT!!! Girl, we need to chat and you seriously need to look into it if you are wanting to go natural! You are too precious. I can remember one of my dearest friends telling me, take in every moment of this...there is nothing like your first one.
Love to you!
Love you, love the belly, the timer pics, the blog, love everything! Let me know if you have any embarrassing questions...there are definitely things the doctor doesn't tell you!
Congrats again! I haven't been keeping up with your blog at all until my sister-in-law Bridget mentioned you on Sunday. I am happy you haven't been having any morning sickness at all. I think I am only 6 weeks ahead of you finishing my 19th week tomorrow! I was sick only about 5 weeks, which I thought was good :) Only mishap I had was on my way to work, didn't get the door open fast enough and threw-up in the car. I felt a lot better though as I was cleaning it all up.
I will keep reading the updates, it is fun to hear what others are going through.
Ashley (Peter's cousin)
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