We packed up the new babies to move them to their second new home - The Howell Plantation. This is them in their new trailer.

I think Olie stuck his head out the windows the entire trip.

Big Daddy Scott was here this weekend (yay)! He woke at 6am, shoveled poop for an hour with us over his normal breakfast / coffee time and helped us get these cuties to the Howells.

John and Joellyn have 2 horses already - Stumpy (pictured) and Griz. We kept them in separate lots for a few minutes to see how they'd get along. It seems our kids are snobs - don't really care about others.

Ah, now we are getting friendly. Once they are in the same space they had to check each other out. This is Diera checking out Griz.

This is Emma really checking out Griz. How else do you get to know your new roommate?

Deamo and Griz saying hello.

Stumpy and Olie might be buddies - so cute!
We spent a few hours walking the perimeter of the Howell's 20 acres to make sure the backside of the fence was in good enough condition to keep the horses in. We walked up and through their dry and arid and hot rocky canyon, got the fencing done and the horses now have LOTS of room to roam and explore.
After a while they got frisky and our 4 Norwegians got clickish again and ignored Stumpy and Griz. When they'd come up the Norwegian pack they would all run and buck and kick.
Joellyn says that they left The Hilton (at Heidi and Mike's ranch) and are now at the Holiday Inn. I personally think any place with Joellyn doting on them will be like heaven for them.
1 comment:
they are beautiful! i've always wanted a horse! enjoy your new babies...
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