Peter and I had a lazy morning (lazy is relative in this household).

We have a friend, Clara, who was in the Livingston Hospital the last few days. We went to visit with her again, take her some reading, and then we helped her son, Shawn (one of Pete's best buddies) clean his house and hang some pictures. To say he is a bachelor living without a woman to keep things is an understatement!
We made another trip to the gravel pit to get a load of gravel for my veggie garden area. Now it too is nice and clean and less muddy! I will post pics there when it is not snowy and there are actual vegetables - I am protesting the prolonged winter.

Then, Peter and I made it home again. We went for a RUN! Peter is not a fan of running, but I have been a slacker and need to stay on my training schedule for a race in Missoula that Christina and I are running on July 13th. He did great, but I don't think running dates will be a regular occurrence.
We are eating a great meatloaf that Peter made a couple of days ago and watching movies tonight. Praying for sun tomorrow. Peter is guiding and I am working at the Ranch.
love the new grandponies! can't wait to see lots more pics of them; glad to hear things were fairly normal again for you , , ,
YEAH! bonus days rock
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