Well, my family has a long history with prize game chickens. Game chickens are actually roosters who fight other males really well. Most roosters are prone to be very aggressive towards other males (and if you ask Micca - other humans), and the MOST aggressive and crazy are often the ones that are selected for fighting. Not all game chickens are used for fighting . . . our families roosters no longer fight. Now they are beloved pets.
Now, I know what you are thinking... Game chickens? Fighting cocks? Isn't that illegal? Why, yes it is, and since it was outlawed in Oklahoma a couple of years back, our families roosters have not been "in the game." We are very law abiding. The sport is outlawed in all US states but Lousianna and in August they will be done there too.
It is not about the sport for our family, our family just LOVES chickens! I remember the conversations amongst the brothers around the dinner table at my grandpa's house growing up. Talk usually revolved around one of four topics, sometimes a combination: wood / cabinets, chickens, western films, or Oklahoma State sports.
My grandfather, uncles, and now, solely my Uncle Doug takes care of the chickens. Their blood lines go back hundreds of years (no kidding). If you knew my uncle Doug, you would know that he loves nothing more on this earth (aside from his daughter and family) than his chickens. They all have names, he makes sure they are all healthy and happy and he can describe their personalities. If you called his answering machine right now his message has his favorite rooster cock-a-doodling on the machine.
They truly are quite a sight these birds.
What you see here are: pure SweaterMcGinnis Hatch, Madigan Hatch, SweaterMcGinnis PoleCat Greys and of course Pure uncle Doug holding his favorite pet right now, "Ugly Magruder".
I had no idea about any of that- I feel super in the loop now!I love uncle doug!!!!
I was attacked by a rooster once at my Uncle Jamies house during chicken butcher.....annual family gat together in good ole MT. Why do we not do that anymore??? Oh right, because it was crazy weird!
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