I cannot wait to see the movie! 5 days and COUNTING! What should I wear?
I would forever get to eat macaroni and cheese and not gain a single pound. Yum...

Our US Weekly Magazine would come twice a week instead of only once. We actually fight over who gets to read it first when we get home. Once PH digs into it, I don't see him for an hour.

Micca would live next door and we would have some sort of home business that we did together. It would be something really fun and challenging at the same time - but completely flexible of course. We would have babies at the same time and hang out every single day- taking the kids for walks, vacations, playgrounds. Of course, we would work on our excellent business during the kids' nap times.

I would have a dishwasher . . . Enough said. I am convinced that the dishwasher is the missing link to any complete and utterly blissful life.
The movie Knocked Up had never been made . . . It is really THAT BAD of a movie. The more I think of it, the less I like it. Actually, the more I think of it the more repulsed I am by the whole idea of the movie. Laughing that a nice and put together girl gets wasted and pregnant by a loser pot head. They don't even begin to be a believable couple - even in Hollywood fantasy world. Ugh. I also resent the fact that the movie scared Peter to death and is convinced that all women who get pregnant / or married turn into witches and trolls.
In my dream world, I would be married to this man . . .

Oh wait, I AM!!!! Have you met Peter Howell? He's the best. Truly. The greatest man on earth.
5 days....I have been catching up on re-runs. We watched the 1st episode a few nights ago...so great!
brad and my marriage got MUCH better after we got a dishwasher...seemed to be our lone source of resentment. :)
cute cute blog! The movie is a fan's dream come true!
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