Thursday, May 29, 2008

10 Reasons We Love Saunas

Thanks to Lee and Abby Kinsey and their super cool private hot rock sauna in their backyard, I can make a list about saunas and why they are fabulous!

Brooke's Reasons for Loving the Sauna are:

1. No matter how wound up you are, they are guaranteed to calm you down.

2. You can sweat out all the wine, beer, Dr. Pepper, crystal light, coffee and whiskey you drank in too few days.

3. You get to be a freaky nudist for a few glorious moments.

4. All the blemishes and teenage pimples on your face get miraculously steamed away.

5. You leave so clean you don't have to shower the next morning.

6. Steam is good for what ails ya.

7. You get uninterrupted catch up time with your friends b/c kids and dogs really don't like saunas.

8. You temporarily lose a few pounds of water weight.

9. When else do you consume 5 bottles of water and not have to pee?

10. You sleep like a baby on Nyquil.

Bonus reason #11. Did I mention you get naked!

1 comment:

Kooky Cat Guy said...

Hey Brooke & Peter,
Seems like we are living parallel universes here in the the Livingzone. Blogging, obsessed with landscaping, Sex in the City fans too (best writing ever for a TV show). We'll all need to BBQ here soon. You'll have to come hang out around my new Chiminaya. It rocks. The outdoor sauna is next! Stop by next time you roll by the house. I'll introduce you to Hunter and Pika.

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