In a VERY last ditch effort to "get skinny" before Las Vegas and jump start the 1/2 marathon training again, I have run TWO days in a row! Go me (and Laurie, Levia and Kristen). Not skinnier yet, but that may have something to do with the new donuts that Peter brought home last night (you think?)
Las Vegas - leaving in 3 days! What to wear? How do I play craps again? Need bachelorette paraphernalia for Jeannette! I wish you were going Micca. Can't wait for the weekend!
Seriously, anyone have tips on what is "in style" and appropriate for a Vegas weekend in March? I am certain I will be looking quite "country bumpkin" like left to my own devices!
jeans, cute top, lite jacket
Have a great time in Vegas. I never knew what to wear when I was there. I would go with Meg on that one. We will be in Terry with our heads to the ground looking for rocks this weekend. I am hoping to find something to make a living off of.
jacq- still can't beleive you are a "rock hunter" now...
Thanks for the tips ladies... Hmmm... now I need to start actually finding "cute tops lite jackets."
Neither can I. But it is pretty fun and keeps me busy while G is fishing. You could take the lite jackets that you took to Florida if you want.
I wish I was going! Buy Jeanette a drink from me and give her a dollar to put in a chips underwear too. Hee hee! Think of Josh and I when you go into the MGM. Maybe you'll see a midget. Get down on your knee and take a pic with him for old times sake.
and heels!
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