Well folks, I am officially part of the Fly Fishing Industry now.
Last week I officially resigned from my development job at Corporation for the Northern Rockies. No more fundraising for the Brookster.
I was offered "a management position" (insert Clark Griswold joke here) at Angler's West in Emigrant, MT. Our friend Matson owns this shop and outfitting business and asked if I'd manage the shop. Last summer I helped them out on occasion and really loved it. Who wouldn't? It's the nicest shop in the area, has greatest guides coming in and out everyday (Peter happens to be one of them), the location is spectacular, I get to bring the dogs with me to work, meet really fun people who are visiting MT, and I get to talk fish, vacations, rivers and weather every day! Now THIS is why I moved to Montana!
I will be booking fly fishing trips, working with the guides, selling fly rods, flies, cool clothes, and Montana experiences to people! The shop is 20 minutes from Livingston and a beautiful drive along the Yellowstone everyday. I start on April 15th. I expect everyone reading to come and visit and buy some flies.
I will then be a "free agent" starting in November, allowing myself to be creative and see if I can't finally start some things all my own (watch out, I have a few ideas). This seasonal schedule will also allow Peter and I to spend our winters together (maybe travel? maybe actually get to ski that awesome powder day that falls on a Tuesday?) and Peter and I can really focus on our outfitting business and get things rolling for the 2009 season!
We can already see that we will need the time to market, book trips, maybe go to some shows and get the business lined out. Who knows, by November, we may have some horses that need to be taken care of and ridden! I am visualizing all of this (see previous post).
So, goodbye desk job and HELLOOOOO to a new life of fishing and the outdoors!
Horray Brooke!!! I am really excited for you. If you need any help this summer at the fly shop think of me evenings and weekends. It is just down the road from me and would love it. Seriously!
Man, with the number of people who have volunteered to help us at camp, ride horses, cook, and now the fly shop too!
I will always be surrounded by my favorite people!
I will check that out and see if we need some help.... That would be SUPER fun. thanks :)
that is amazing! congrats to you!!!! Will you still be able to blog in the days??
i sure hope so, but I can easily blog at night too... that's usually when I do and then post the next day... seems to work fine. No worries readers, I will still be a blogging fool! maybe now I can blog about some fishing stories? I am sure there will be many!
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