i am stealing this idea from micca... questions i have been asking lately - in my head or outloud. i think i will have peter do this too and then maybe many of my questions will be answered?
what is more important financial stability or freedom? how did i end up working behind a desk? is it too late to get oliver neutered? how will i afford to do all i want to my house? tile or cork flooring? should i shovel my driveway or will it all blow back in? will the bruise on my hind side go away soon? grocery shop or scrounge? why does it cost $15 to pay your bills over the phone? what ever happened to actually talking to LIVE customer service people? cancel the TiVo? will ANYONE be good enough to win american idol this year? why is my water heater leaking water? how much will that cost us? why can't i remember to take clothes out of the dryer and fold them before they are all wrinkled? i need a new door, how much will that cost? what am i forgetting to do at work? should I re-paint my kitchen / hall? what color? how much will that cost? how can i breed an austrailian shepherd that doesn't shed? what will we do this weekend? will it be cold? am i getting sick? should I have my ski boots custom fit? what if it messes them up for good? when will my family be coming to visit again? when will micca and josh be here? why aren't we 100% booked for hunting yet? why do i worry so much? why do i have this extremely large white zit on my forehead? answered by looking at all the above questions.... relax brooke!
Hoofta! Take it easy sista . . . one little, manageable!, moment at a time!
if you ask a man what he is thinking about, he will say 'nothing' ! Remember, they have an 'empty box' in their brains they love to go to . . . women should be so lucky . . .
i feel ya girl. there are always a million questions/ideas/random thoughts running through my head. my only solution is that i write them all down. not sure if that makes me more released, or more stressed!
i made 2 lists this weekend - one of things that need to get done aroudn the house - no to low cost and a second list of longterm home improvements that need / want to get done... i put a price next to each and a jar next to them. as I have saved enough $ to do one , it will get done...
2 of the 1st list are already done!!! yay!
Nice work on getting things done. The lists must work for you!! YAY
I used to be a HUGE list person and now I NEVER make lists. When I go to the grocery store I take the cookbook in with me. My sister really makes fun of me for that one. I don't know why, but I just one day decided to stop doing lists and now I can start back again. I had 4,000 lists going while opening/running Sylvan so I think that burned me out a bit.
i too take the whole cookbook in with me... sometimes multiples!
what did you get done?
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