Monday, February 25, 2008

Bugs Bunny - Wiley Coyote

After you hear what Peter and I did this weekend you might think we belong on an animated cartoon, falling off cliffs or being blow up by large sticks of dynamite.

Let me paint you picture of Sunday...

Nice leisurely morning - had Peter's "ma" as he calls her - the woman he lived on the ranch on the Boulder River with, her sister Joanne and her husband Delbert. We had a great time visiting and Delbert and Peter installed our new ceiling fan!

After they leave, I wanted to get the fancy new closet system Peter made me installed. I had finished painting all the pieces, touched up some spots / trim in the closet, emptied my ENTIRE closet of clothes, shoes, purses, bags, lent balls, and books onto the bed.

We drug the big piece upstairs and Peter went to move the step stool that was in the bedroom and OVER WENT THE GALLON OF WHITE-HIGH GLOSS PAINT all over the wood floors, the new duvet, the clothes on the bed - pretty much everywhere! The ensuing screaming starts and we rush around, hurdling over the large closet piece jammed in the hallway. We scrounge old towels / rags, not-so-old towels, mops, soapy water - anything to soak up the massive amounts of paint that is now our bedroom!

We got most of it up and it actually doesn't look all that bad. However, after the official "clean up was over, " Peter was gone fishing, I am looking through the room and start to notice paint - on the ceiling, on our dark blue wall (which I have no more of and cannot remember the color), on clothes, on the dog bed, etc. It took two hours to clean up the soaked towels, get rid of all the painted rugs, clean the mops out, scrub the floors, and check articles of clothing for stray paint.

I was home alone and I was washing our now 1/2 white 1/2 yellow duvet and sheets. I heard the phone ring and I go to run up the stairs as fast as I can and... I trip on my "work overalls" (I knew I needed to cut them shorter) and fall THROUGH OUR HALLWAY WALL! Yes, Brooke's fist goes into the wall, through the wall. No, surprisingly - I'm not hurt, just furious that moments after cleaning up high gloss paint from my BED that I am now staring at a HOLE in my wall that needs to be fixed!

After I calm down and don't have rage in me - I will show you all some pictures.

Closet is still 1/2 finished, clothes are still all over the bedroom / bed. Peter and I had to sleep in a bed without paint, downstairs last night (adjacent to the gaping hole). I guess I should be grateful that I didn't fall down the stairs, or fall onto a large knife, or that no one was electrocuted or be-headed...

Have a safe and great day!


Rachel Melone said...

Oh my... I would have said a few words that are rarely heard around our house, I'm sure. I'm glad you can see the good it in though-not falling on a knife etc.... you crack me up.

hub of the house said...

oh brooke - you poor thing. that stuff always seems to happen to me too!!!!!

hub of the house said...

what happened to Micca's blog?

Unknown said...

oh my gosh brooke! great job in seeing the humor it!!! you guys like projects, right?

Brooke and Peter said...

well, yes we do like projects... we might be taking a small breather for a while... for the marriages sake.

micca removed her blog - boo... you can harass her if you like.

lauren and brad said...

I AM SO SORRY. If that were me, I would probably have to be tied down so I didn't hurt myself or someone else. :(


hub of the house said...

she REMOVED it? why? why? why?

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