It was a blast! I was very impressed with many of the projects and the maturaty of the kids. Some projects were obviously done in the hallway or on the bus on the way to class (we've all been there), but for the most part, most were very thoughtful, creative and interesting.
I learned that having the television on while taking a test did not affect the scores, but did increase the number of "silly mistakes, " that the weight of a bowling ball does not necessarily affect the number of pins knocked down, and many other fun things....
Kids are funny and I hope they couldn't tell that they knew MUCH more than me.
My assistant had the camera and got some blurry pictures.

Mike taking his judge job VERY seriously.
How cute!! I LOVE the middle schoolers.
how freakin cute is that?? how did you get asked?
my friends seem to all be science geeks, and they needed extra hands... i guess they figured i knew enough to wing it... It was really fun and the kids were super cute!
B - Halee got first her science project last year. Hers was what fast food rest. served the hottest french fry. Very fitting for a food techs little girl. Chick fil a won!
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