Laugh at 4 Cottongim's try to "assemble" this nice and simple luggage carrier for Uncle Mike's van.... 1 hour later and MANY raised voices later.... It was done.

As they assembled, we played with the fun new remote control toys from "Uncle Scott."

See "the next generation" get excited and shred open presents

Meet and love on my new miracle cousin, Gwyneth

Laugh at the male bonding... Peter fits right on it doesn't he?

My new baby SECOND cousin Tessa... Cutie Pie.

To giggle and see my favorite cousins....

To see our family grow and be all grown up! (Colin, Diedra, Ahna, Ryan and Amanda)

To see Paula handout the #'s for the white elephant gift exchange... The family is SOOO big now, we have to use the fancy red tickets like at sports games....
I love the Cottongim's. Was their dog running back and forth in front of the tv watching a football game? That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. How are you feeling today?
jazz the dog still watches sports games adn runs when the "ball is in play" and knows when it's not and stops... amazing.
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