So, for those that know me... I have ZERO artistic ability. I like to be creative, but truthfully, my work looks like a 5th grader. My talented brother not only has a higher IQ than me, but also totally outdid me in art my whole life. I vividly remember a family vacation to Colorado when I was about 10 and Clark was 8. We went off to our own corners of the campground to "build the coolest fort" we could. I spent hours on mine, feeling like I was so clever and smart and thought it was so cool. I cleaned out all the pine needles, made a bed, and surrounded it with logs so it would be comfortable. In reality I had made a circle of logs, propped up some sticks against a tree and somehow envisioned a castle. I go to look at Clark's fort and his was all high-tech, had cool doors and features, straight out of a kids-fort-architectural digest. I think I can remember him actually laughing at mine when we compared.
Anyways, I digress... Back to my own creativity. I like to paint random things here and there... I have NO intention of selling it or showing it to humans for that matter, but it makes me feel good and it takes all the creative spirit I have to do a drawing or painting here in there.
I decided today to not be ashamed of my child-like, horrible art and accept that fact that it is MY only creative outlet and I don't care if Clark laughs at me anymore!
So, here is my sketch (or what I call a sketch) of Brutus that I did the other night... Brutus didn't really like it, but Oliver seemed to be amused.
Don't think I will be commissioned to do doggie portraits anytime soon. Enjoy.
Have a creative day!
beautiful work
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