Sunday, September 9, 2012

It has been quite a crazy place the last few weeks. Our area has been plagued with a very significant fire which has affected some very beloved land and homes and properties. In addition to the plumes of smoke that seem be a normal part of the landscape, our community has also seen some pretty amazing displays of grace, kindness and generosity.
One such example is a fundraiser held Saturday night. Tons of local musicians all gave of their time and talents, donated food, drinks and auction ... Livingstonians do what they do best... pArTY!!!
Gorgeous night, great friends, and some very energized kiddos!
Check out my Facebook page for some pretty amazing images of the fires. They are quite surreal.
Pray for rain and snow!


Drew Watts said...

Seriously this party is SO cute. I am just in love with the photos. I also would be hosting the beautiful bash for my little one’s birthday that will be hosted at one of the prettiest Chicago event venues. It will be a carnival themed party and hoping that will turn out to be an enjoyable one.

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